Admissions for Hidelow Grange School
Our pupils all live on-site at the residential children’s home of Hidelow House. Therefore, all referrals to Hidelow go through careful consideration and joint discussion between Care, Education and Therapy to ensure we are the right setting and able to meet their needs. This happens in consultation with the Head of the Service for Branas Isaf and the Clinical Operations Manager for Therapy, and forms part of the agenda of the monthly Risk and Referral meeting.
Following the offer of a place at Hidelow House, the school begins a careful assessment process to enable a smooth admission into our learning community. We gather and compile as much information as possible from previous educational settings and in liaison with the placing authority through the Virtual School and social worker. Prior to admission, it is crucial that we gain a deep understanding of:
- Educational history;
- Special Educational Needs including social, emotional and behavioural needs;
- Medical needs;
- Issues relating to risky behaviours;
- Information relating to prior attainment, learning and courses of study;
- Patterns of attendance and history of school absence; and,
- Their personal story relating to family and experiences in the care system.
On the basis of this information, the Head Teacher will draw up an individual transition plan which aims to give them the best chance of a smooth start in our school.